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19.11.2014: Zambia - Building Prosperity from Resource Wealth

19.11.2014: Zambia - Building Prosperity from Resource Wealth
The Initiative Southern Africa (INISA) and the Society for International Development (SID-Berlin) cordially invite you in cooperation with the Afrikahaus:

Book Launch:
Zambia: Building Prosperity from Resource Wealth
Edited by: Christopher Adam*, Paul Collier* and Michael Gondwe**
Oxford University Press, published September 2014
* Oxford University, UK / ** Governor, Bank of Zambia
Wednesday, 19 November 2014, 18:00 – 19:30
Afrika-Haus Berlin, Bochumer Str. 25, 10555 Berlin (U-Bahn: Turmstr.)
Prof. Christopher Adam (Professor of Development Economics, University of Oxford and Lead Academic, International Growth Center-Tanzania)
Discussant: Prof. Theo Rauch (Free University of Berlin)
Chair: Rene Gradwohl (Initiative Southern Africa, INISA e.V.)
The discussion will be in English. No registration necessary

This book – the second in the Africa: Policies for Prosperity series edited by Christopher Adam and Paul Collier – consists of a set of rigorous but accessible essays by a range of Zambian and international scholars that seek to examine the challenges and opportunities that currently face Zambian policymakers as they seek to harness the country’s valuable natural assets – land and copper - to broad-based and sustainable economic growth over the coming decades. Zambia’s history and economy is intimately entwined with the copper mining industry: much of the book is therefore concerned with the complex interaction between the management of natural resource wealth and the development of a labour intensive growth strategy relevant to a land-locked economy. 
The book spans a wide range of topics, Professor Adam’s presentation will focus mainly on the economics of the copper sector and the implications this has for the broad contours of an inclusive growth strategy for Zambia over the coming decades.
We are looking forward to an interesting debate!
Best regards
Rene Gradwohl
22.11.2014: INISA Vorstandssitzung, Berlin
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