Grußwort unserer INISA-Stipendiatin 2017 Lilly George Tushiya

Grußwort unserer INISA-Stipendiatin 2017 Lilly George Tushiya

Without INISA willing to support,students such as myself would be unable to pursue medical school.

Growing up in a less privileged community has not only offered financial and a ccademic challenges, but has also helped me realize the value of collage education. Your scholarship will help me earn credentialsin medical school,which requires special training and coursework .My passion for medicine is matched only by love for social health problems,my decision to study medical school comes from the heart.

Without a doubt this grant will will pray a key role in achieving my educational dreams. Because of your generosity, the financial burden placed on me to pursue my education will be reduced. That mean I can spend more time on my studies extra curricular activities and less time worrying about my finances.

Once again, thank you for the vote of confidence and INISA. I am commuted to my education and to the health care field and one step closer to becoming a doctor.Thanks to your continued generosity and INISA STUDENT GRANT 2017. Sincerely

Lily George

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