Letter of Appreciation von Joseph Pembamoto (INISA Stipendiat 2020)
Dear members and supporters of INISA
Firstly, I would love to extend my gratitude for being selected as one of the recipients of the 2020 student grant. This will really help my family settle the school debt I have, so that I can continue my studies in 2021. This year has been extremely stressful and demanding, but despite its difficulties I can gladly say that I learned a lot about myself
and I managed to learn how to adapt to the new methods of teaching and the stress from the current pandemic.
For some time, the lack of resources at home made it quite hard to work efficiently, but I managed to find alternatives to still be on top of my academics and developed newer strategies to study. I also became more involved with my peers and students from higher years, this helped when I was confused and enabled me to have access to school material which made my academic experience even better. Moving forward, I will use the lessons and skills I obtained from this year and perfect them to be used next year and years to come. I will also volunteer as a mentor to for the upcoming first years, so I can share the knowledge I have learned.
I will continue working even harder, so that I can help those around me and inspire other immigrants like me, who are in difficult situations. Once again thank you for believing in me and investing in my dreams.
Kind Regards, Joseph Pembamoto
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